Sunday, September 28, 2008

THEME: “B”unnies

Some books in our library
Peter Cottontail
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
P.J. The spoiled Bunny
The Tale of Benjamin Bunny
I Love My Daddy Because…
Funny Bunnies
Guess How Much Love You
Home For A Bunny
Animal Homes
Where Ones There Was A Wood
Little Cottontail
Billy Bunny
The Nutty Nut Chase

Music: Bunny Hop dance
Small Group: Create a B Booklet with a “B”unny and something “b”lue
Science: Slicing “B”ananas
Book: Bubble Bear/Funny Bunnies
Activity: B Feelie-Meelie box
Religion: Matching pairs – how they go together - an activity about choices

Music: Bunny Hop dance
Small Group: Create a B booklet with a “B”unny and something “b”lue
Book: Bubble Bear/Funny Bunnies
Activity: B Feelie-Meelie box
Religion: Matching pairs - see Monday

: Sing and act out bunny fingerplays & songs
Small Group: Draw a picture of bunnies & Dictate a story.
Book: The Tale of Benjamin Bunny
Activity: Find the bunny (a hide a find game)
Religion: Stories Jesus told - The Lost Sheep

Sing and act out bunny fingerplays & songs
Small Group: Draw a picture of our bunnies, Midnight and Moonlight
Book: Billy Bunny
Activity: SHARING Bouncing Bunnies (Left & Right movement activity)
Religion: Gospel storytelling - Two sons in the Vineyard

Bean Bag activities
Small Group: Create a bunny paper bag puppet
Book: Guess How Much I Love You?
Activity: SHARING – Bouncing Bunnies
Religion: Gospel storytelling

Work Jobs:
· Unifix Blocks
· Lacing Letters
· Wooden puzzles
· Sorting fruit
· Floor Puzzles
· Shoe puzzle
· Fastening board
· File folder games

Free Art:
· College tray with items for creating “feeling figures”
· Glue, scissors and markers
· Stamps and stamp pads
· Lunch sacks and paper plates

Block & Accessories:
Wooden marble maze
Waffle blocks
Forest animals

Dramatic Play:
Farmers Market - baskets, cash register, play money, wooden fruits and veggies, shopping bags, adding machine

Writing Center: B words to copy, simple dot-to-dot, letter B writing sheets, paper, pencils and markers

Religious Theme: Jesus Teaches Us
Religion Objectives:
… The children will explore daily choices they make.
… The children will recognize Jesus told stories to teach us about God.
Prayer: “Thank you, Jesus for teaching us about God.”
Prayer Center: Matching games, Bible, Bible Stories

Overall Curriculum Objective:
Provide activities that promote proper scissor use and simple cutting and gluing activities.
Learn about bunnies.
Continue reinforcing left to right tacking and printing through movement games and songs.
Emphasis spelling and recognition of first names.

Monthly Themes:Each of the following will be introduced in class this month through books, activities and music:
Artist: Edgar Degas
Music: Classical/Ballet
Native flower: Poppy
Act of Grace: Sign of the Cross
Saint: Vincent De Paul


Baby Bunny

Baby bunny dressed in blue (Hold up two fingers like bunny ears)

Met another; then there were two. (hold up two fingers on both hands)

Bouncy bunnies to the left (Move fingers to left.)

Bouncy bunnies to the right (Move fingers to right.)

Bouncy bunnies get in bed (Put head on hands like sleeping)

Off to bed, you sleepy heads (pretend to sleep)

Bouncing Baby Bunny
Baby bunny bounces high (Jump high)

Baby bunny bounces low (Jump low)

Baby bunny blinks his eyes (Blink eyes)

Baby Bunny waves good-bye (Wave)

Here Comes a Bunny
Here comes a bunny, hip-hop-hop

See how his long ears, flip-flop-flop

See how his nose goes, Twink-twink-twink

See how his eyes go, winkl-wink-wink

Here is a bunny with ears so funny

And here is his hole in the ground

A noise he hears,

And he pricks up his ears

And jumps in his hole in the ground

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wonderful Worms

THEME: Wonderful Worms and other Creepy Crawlies

Some books in our library
Mighty Spiders
The Fascinating World of Insects
Backyard Insects
A Picture Book of Insects
The Icky Bug Counting Book
Quick as a Cricket
Hey, Little Ant
Where’s that Insect
Full Worm Moon
Eency Weency Spider
The Creep, Crawly Book
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The Grouchy Ladybug

“Spiders and Snakes” Walk like spiders
Small Group: Create W booklet with wiggle worms and water colors
Book: Worm’s Wagon
Activity: Sing “What’s the Sound that Starts these words?” using W words
Religious Activity: Thank you God for Spiders wed yarn toss game

Spider walk and rolly poly races
Small Group: Create W booklet with wiggle worms and water colors
Book: Worm’s Wagon
Activity: Sing “What’s the Sound that Starts these words?” using W words
Religious Activity: Thank you God for Spiders wed yarn toss game.

Music/Movement: Butterfly dancing with scarves
Small Group: Create a caterpillar with egg cartons, paint, pipe cleaners, goolies eyes
Book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Activity: Butterfly life cycle- Flannel Board
Religious Activity: Create a class list: “Why Did God Make Spiders?”

Music/Movement: Butterfly dancing with scarves and spider walking
Small Group: Surprise Paint Butterflies
Book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Activity: Butterfly life cycle floor puzzle – Flannel board
Religious Activity: Gospel Story / Create a class list: “Why Did God Make Spiders?”

Music/Movement: Sing the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” and spider walk
Small Group: Create a worms with clay
Book: Miss Spider’s Tea Party
Activity: Spider web dot to dot/Sharing
Religious Activity: Gospel story

Sensory Table:
Soil and worms & pill bugs

Work Jobs:
Counting (plastic) flies
Buggy Bingo
Sequencing Insect Game
Ladybug Match-up
Wooden puzzles
File folder games
Pond life floor puzzle

Free Art:
Pastel paints,
College material for making bug.
Insect stencils
Insect stamps
Block & Accessories:
Marbled mazes

Dramatic Play:
Insect lab:
lab coats, magnifying glass, microscopes, Bugs, twisters, glove, ect.

Overall Curriculum Objective:
Provide activities that reinforce rote counting to 20 and above, focus on the numbers 19 & 20. Introduce children to spiders, insects, bugs and butterflies.
Talk about their life cycles and their importance to the earth.
Learn the differences between spiders and bugs.

Religious Theme: We learn more about the insects and bugs God made for us.
Religion Objectives:
To help the children explore the world of insects and bugs and appreciate them as God’s gift to us.
To encourage the children to appreciate the ways that insects help us.
Prayer: “Thank you God for all your creatures, insects, bugs and spiders too. Amen.”
Prayer Center:
Thank you God for insects, bugs and spiders- Counting and sorting spiders and bugs. Bug file folder games

Each of the following will be introduced in class this month through books, activities and music:
Artist: Andy Warhol
Music: Irish
Native flower: California Fuchsia
Act of Grace: Holy Water
Saint: St. Patrick

Some ideas for experiences with your child at home.
Clap out words and names.
Cut paper
Count everything
Measure things around the house using a ruler

Fun With Dr. Seuss

THEME: Fun With Dr. Seuss

Some books in our library
Dr. Seuss’s ABC
And To Thank That I Saw It On Mulberry Street
Oh, The Thinks you can Think
Mr. Brown Con Moo! Can You?
One Fish, Two Fish
The Cat In the Hat
There’s a Wocket in my Pocket
Fox In Sox
Horton Hears a Who and other stories
If I Ran The Zoo

Rhythm instruments – following the beat
Activity: Make up a silly rhyme and illustrate
Book: The Cat in the Hat & The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins
Religious Activity: Learn the song “Let’s Pretend” – Take an imaginary carpet ride

Music :Rhythm stick activities with rhyming words
Small Group: Color, cut and group Small, Smaller, Smallest worksheet
Book: Horton Hears a Who
Activity: Feelie-Meelie box of different sized items
Religious Activity: Learn the song “Let’s Pretend” – Take an imaginary carpet ride

Music: Rhythm stick activities with rhyming words
Small Group: Create Yertle the Turtle using paper plates and paints
Book: Yertle The Turtle
Activity: Examine Crackers the tortoise, what does her shell look like? What does it feel like”
Religious Activity:

Movement: Bean Bag activities
Small Group: Design/create a bird college using feathers.
Book: Gerturde McFuzz
Activity: Sharing-feather blowing relays
Religious Activity: Gospel storytelling and action song

Animal Actions
Small Group: Create our own whacky zoo
Book: If I Ran The Zoo
Activity: Sharing- Animal sound lotto
Religious Activity: Gospel storytelling and action song

Work Jobs:
File folder games
Wooden Puzzles
Sorting/counting teddy bears
Pattern blocks
Balance scale & items to weigh
Pom-Poms w/ spoons/tweezers

Free Art:
Easel Painting
College tray with items to create Seuss pictures
Markers & crayons
Scissor: straight edge & decorative
Play dough

Block & Accessories:
Doll house
Family figures
Cars, trucks & Trains
Lincoln Logs

Dramatic Play: Book Store: Dr. Seuss Books, crazy hats, cash register, play money, book bags, couch and chair, cups and saucers

Sensory Table:
Oobleck, funnels, measuring cups

Writing Center:
Pencils, color pencils, stencils, lined paper, journals, easy sight words to copy(the, and, if, ran, you, me)

Overall Curriculum Objective:

Provide activities that allow the students to explore “division” by folding, use scales for weighing Provide activities that reinforce rote counting to 20 and above, focus on the numbers 19 & 20.
Encourage students to draw or write in their Journals and dictate stories.

Religious Theme: God gives us the gift of our imaginations
Religion Objectives:
To help the children be aware of God’s gift of imagination with which they can make many new things.
To affirm how well the children can use their imaginations.
Prayer: “Dear God, thank you for the gift of my imagination. Amen.”
Prayer Center:
Butterfly books and puzzle

Friday, January 18, 2008

Bedtime Lesson Plan

I have a number of students who have been experiencing bedtime issues and nightmares so I decided to address this problem with this lesson plan.

THEME: “Q”uiet It’s Bedtime

Overall Curriculum Objective:
¨ Encourage the students to talk about their dreams and bedtime rituals.
¨ To introduce students to the letter Q through song and activities.
¨ Provide opportunities for the children to look at books and play rhyming games.
¨ Make available activities that reinforce one-to-one correspondence, and matching equivalent sets. Encourage jumping roping while reciting rhymes.

The Quiet Quail
We Can’t Sleep
The Dream Child
Can’t You Sleep Little Bear?
Goodnight, Sleep Tight
Just Go To Bed
Goodnight Moon
Sleepy Bears
Take a Nap
Good-Night Gorilla
Berenstein Bear’s In The Dark
Time For Bed
I Want To Sleep In Your Bed
The Monster Under My Bed

Mon. Jan. 21

Tues.Jan. 22
Movement and Music:
Zig-Zag walking path to “Crooked Mile/Listen and move
Small Group: Q Books with a Quilts and Q-tip painting
Book: The Quiet Quail
Activity: Introduction to the letter “Q” with file folder game & file folder game
Religious: Learn class payer and sing “If Your Happy and You Know It”

Wed. Jan. 23
:Dance to “The Muffin Man” /Listen to Jazz, talk about the sounds and instruments we hear
Small Group: Q Books with a Quilts and Q-tip painting
Book: The Quiet Quail
Activity: Introduction to the letter “Q” with file folder game & File folder game.
Religious: Learn class prayer and sing “If Your Happy and You Know It”

Thurs. Jan. 24
Create beats and play follow the leader using rhythm sticks
Small Group: Create “Sleepy Bear Dream Hats”
Book: Sleepy Bears
Activity: Sharing Day - Sing and act out “Lazy Mary”
Religious: Create a class book “Thank you God for Making me Happy: I can make others happy too.”

Fri. Jan. 25
Use rhythm instruments while reciting nursery rhymes
Small Group: Illustrate a dream and dictate a story about it.
Book: The Napping House
Activity: Sharing Day – Act out “The Napping House” & “Lazy Mary”
Religious: Create a class book “Thank you God for Making me Happy: I can make others happy too.”

Parents are ask to reinforce at home:
¨ The letter “Q” and words that start with “Q”.
¨ Make up simple rhymes with your child.
¨ Read Everyday, talk about the story and make up your own stories.
¨ Recite nursery rhymes at home this week.
¨ Make up simple rhymes with your child.
¨ Find interesting things to count for example windows and doors in your home, how many Mac Donald’s you pass on the way home
¨ Encourage your child to talk about their dreams.

Work Jobs:
File folder games
Lego blocks
Animal lotto game
Nursery rhyme puzzles
I Spy Puzzles

Free Art:
· Easel painting
· college material
· Play dough with animal cookie cutters
· Watercolors
· Stencils

Block & Accessories:
Cars/trucks/emergency vehicles
People figures

Dramatic Play:
Tent with sleeping bags and cuddly animals, housekeeping furniture, cribs & Dolls

Writing Center: Letter Q worksheets, Nursery Rhyme booklets, dot to dots, paper, pencils, sensory letters A – Q.

Religion Objectives: It is important to be happy and make others happy. We can ask Jesus to help us be happy by praying to him.
Recite the prayer: “Thank you, God, for helping us to be happy. Amen”
Prayer Center:
Our favorite things – children will put one of their favorite things on the prayer table, ie. Shells, flowers, book.
Poster “Be Happy”, “What makes you happy” class book

Each of the following will be introduced in class this month through books, activities and music:
Artist: Georges Seurat
Music: Jazz
Native flower: California Lilac