Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Colors Are Everywhere

Theme: Colors Are Everywhere (Letter and Number review)


Music & Movement

Small Group Activity


Books in Our Library

Elmer the Elephant

Go Away Big Green Monster

Mouse Paint

The Art of Colors

Brown Bear, Brown Bear

Planting a Rainbow

A Color of His Own

Little Blue, Little Yellow
Is It Blue? Is It Yellow?

Mary Wore Her Red Dress

Harold and the Purple Crayon

White Rabbit’s Color Books


Sing and dance to Hap Palmer’s songs about color.

Let’s paint with just primary colors (red, blue and yellow). What colors can you make?

Book: White Rabbit’s Color Book

Activity: Play color bingo

Religion: Read and discuss the Seed story ‘Our Family Recycles and Reuses’


Sing and dance to Hap Palmer songs about color.

Let’s paint with just primary colors (red, blue and yellow). What colors can you make?

Book: Mouse Paint

Activity: Color word match-up (a color word spelling game)

Religion: Read and discuss the Seed story ‘Our Family Recycles and Reuses’


Bean Bag Color Toss – (children will pick a card with a color on then toss their bean bag onto that color paper)

Create a color & shape college using scissors, construction paper in a variety of colors and glue

Book: The Art of Colors

Activity: Color word match-up

Religion: Review our Earth Day Songs. Talk about how we show love and care for others

Please Reinforce at Home:

· Read & count everyday

· Play ‘Color I Spy’.

· Clap out words and names.

· Measure everything around the house.

· Continue with helping your child to memorize their address and phone number.


Play Twister and sing songs with a “color” theme

AM: Black & White are colors too – Painting with black and white acrylic paints using a paint palette

Book: Brown Bear, Brown Bear

Activity: Children to retell Story with flannel story box

Religion: Gospel storytelling – Jesus says, “Love one another.”


Play Twister and sing songs with a “color” theme

Black & White are colors too – Painting with black and white acrylic paints using a paint palette

Book: Elmer The Elephant and Friends

Activity: Sharing –

Religion: Gospel storytelling – Jesus says, “Love one another.”

Theme: Colors Are Everywhere (Letter & Number Review)

Work Jobs

· Pegs and peg Boards

· Pattern Blocks

· Unifix blocks

· Shape sew cards

· Teddy Bear counters

· Foam puzzles

· File folder games

· Animal wooden puzzles

Free Art – see dramatic play – the art center and the dramatic play area will be merged together to create an “ART Studio”.

Blocks & Accessories

· Small colored wooden blocks.

· Rainbow window blocks

· Auto garage

· Trucks, tractors, buses and train

· Unit blocks

· Arches/Rainbow blocks

Dramatic Play

Art Studio: easel, paints, oil pastels, paper, colored pencils, dot paints, and collage materials; mural paper on the wall for painting or drawing on, art display area.

Writing Center:

Letter A--Y words to copy, lined paper, plan paper, color words, letter worksheets

Sensory Tables- Shave cream and water colors

Large blocks of ice, eye droppers, liquid watercolors

Gospel Theme: Jesus Commands us to love one another

Religious Objective:

  • The children will recognize that loving one another goes beyond our families.
  • The children will continue to recognize recycling is a way to show love for our planet and its people.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, we will share our time together by following

your rule to love each. We will be thoughtful and respectful. We will also remember to take good care of the

world around us.

Prayer Table: family finger puppets and puppets

Overall Curriculum Objective:

  • Involve children in a variety of activities, projects, and games that will increase their knowledge of colors and shapes.
  • Practice estimating measurements, how long, how tall, how much - “I’m as tall as…” or “the lizard is 10 cubes long.”
  • Provide opportunities for the children to clap multi/syllabic words. (clap out names, familiar words)
  • Reinforce following multi-step directions.

Each of the following will be introduced in class this month through books, activities and music

Artist: Stephanie Choo

Music: Chinese

Plant: Cherry Blossoms

Act of Grace: Praying to the Angels

Continue Poem: The Earth

I’m glad the sky is painted blue,

And the earth is painted green.

With such a lot of nice fresh air

All sandwiched in between

Color Song & Finger Plays


(Sung to: Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes)

Red, yellow, green and blue green and blue
Red, yellow, green and blue green and blue
Purple, orange, brown and black
Red, yellow, green and blue green and blue

The Color I See

Red, red is the color I see. If you are wearing red then show it to me. Stand up, turn around. Show me your red then sit back down.

Yellow, Yellow is the color I see. If you are wearing Yellow then show it to me. Stand up, turn around. Show me your yellow then sit back down.

Go through as many colors as you wish

I Can Sing A Rainbow

Red and yellow and pink and green;
Purple and orange and blue.

I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow too.

Listen with your eyes, listen with your eyes, and sing everything you see.

You can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing along with me.

Red and yellow and pink and green; purple and orange and blue.

Now, we can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow too.

Colors up in the Rainbow

Red and orange, green and blue, shiny yellow, purple too.
All the colors that we know, live up in the rainbow.
Red and orange, green and blue, shiny yellow, purple too.

Fred Red

Fred Red bumped his head, Had to be fed in bed.
Mellow Yellow is a funny fellow, He only eats yellow Jello.
Suesy Blue got the flu, Boo Hoo Hoo, Boo Hoo Hoo
Jean Green is so mean, She's the meanest I've ever seen.
Burple Purple is a nerple, Ollie Orange ate an orange.
John Brown went to town, He is such a silly clown.
Jack Black sat in the back, Willie White is always right!

Colors of the Rainbow

Red, and Yellow and Pink and Green, Purple and Orange and Blue
I can sing a rainbow.. . I Sing a rainbow... and so can you.

Red, and Yellow and Pink and Green, Purple and Orange and Blue
I Can Dance A Rainbow... I Can Dance A Rainbow... and so can you

Red is the Color of Food

Red is the color for an apple to eat.
Red is the color for cherries, too.
Red is the color for strawberries,
I like red food don't you?

Paint With Colors

I know my colors for painting fun, green like the grass and the yellow sun.
an orange pumpkin and white-white snow, a red rose and a black crow,
blue like a mailbox, brown like an ape, a pink pig and some purple grapes!

I can spell Red

R. . .E . .D, red, R . . .E. . .D, red.
I can spell red. I can spell red.
Fire trucks are red. Stop signs are red too.
R. . .E . .D, red, R . . .E. . .D, red.

Orange as a carrot

ORANGE as a carrot,
YELLOW as a pear,
PURPLE as a plum,
BROWN as a bear,
GREEN as the grass,
BLUE as the sky,
BLACK as a cat
RED as cherry pie

Beautiful Rainbow Came

One day the sun was shining bright (hold up right hand like blocking sunlight)
But some clouds came along and it became black as night
(Hold up left hand for the clouds)
Then the rain began to sprinkle onto the ground
(wiggle fingers for the rain coming down)
And soon it was raining all over the town.
But when the clouds had passed on by (move both hands to one side)
A big beautiful rainbow stretched across the sky
(make a rainbow arc with your hands)

When I See

When I See Red I put my hand on my head
When I see Blue I touch my shoe
When I see green I wash my face real clean
When I see yellow I wave to the fellows
When Orange is found I put my hand on the ground
When I see pink I think, I think, I think

Red is an Apple

Red is an apple
Yellow is the sun
Blue is the sky
And purple is a plum

Orange is an orange
Green is a tree
Black as the sky
I know my colors as you can see!

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